Lens Wear with Care: Tips 3 & 4

TIP #3 Do you wear your contact lenses in the shower?Bacteria from water can hide under your contact lenses. So, remember to protect your lenses from water and only use the solutions recommended by optometrists! TIP #4 Do you swim with your contact lenses?Next time you’re at the beach or pool remember that water is…

Lens Wear with Care: Tips 1 & 2

The week of 17-21 August 2021 marks the launch of Lens Wear with Care by UNSW! Exposing contact lenses to water from swimming, showering or poor cleaning regimes can lead to a wide array of ocular complications. This year’s campaign aims to raise awareness of water-related contact lens hygiene practices. TIP #1 Do you keep…


August is Amblyopia Awareness Month: Part 1

WHAT IS AMBLYOPIA? Good vision is vital to a child’s education, physical and social development, and vision screening is particularly useful in detecting amblyopia, which affects about one in every 50 Australian children (MIVISION in MINEWS, Aug 2021). Amblyopia (sometimes referred to as ‘lazy eye’) occurs if children’s eyes do not develop properly during infancy…

Pick Me Up!

Need a little pick-me-up? While some photos of our gorgeous Coco Song frames will have to suffice for now, hopefully it won’t be long until we see you all in the practice! In the meantime, we are here for all urgent and necessary care.


Contact Lens Health Week

CONTACT LENS HEALTH WEEK: August 17-21 How do I know if I have a problem? When properly fitted and worn and looked after as instructed, contact lenses provide a very safe and effective means of vision correction. However, poor hygiene practices can result in a build-up of microbes and bacteria which can seriously affect your…